Making mobile central to frontline development services


With over 30 years of Telecoms (mobile) and Internet development experience, in both the private and public sectors, our focus is to support organisations seeking use innovative approaches to provide and scale frontline services for social good through the use of existing and emerging technologies.



It's not what we build but the impact it delivers.


At Tumika we aim to support the full cycle of building impactful services, from the inception and design right through to service launch and operational support. We take a pragmatic approach to help build solutions and overcome problems based on agile, lean and iterative methods in order to deliver well founded and scalable services.




Where to start?

Starting a new service development can be very daunting. How can a new service be formulated from a set of ideas, ambitions and the need for making an impact? Also which should come first the plans for impact and sustainability or the service experimentation? We can facilitate both the building of underpinning value propositions. Running inception processes encorporating user centric design processes and foundational requirements, upon which a well founded service can be built upon.


What does the user want?

Creating a service which is tune with with a diverse set of user and stakeholder needs and abilities is difficult enough but adding in the extra elements needed to create an intuitive engaging experience asks a lot from an often remote development team. We work to create an iterative process with the customer and partners, which allows for user feedback on interaction and content experience throughout the design and development process.


"Duck Soup"

Build and they will come?

Building out the service without falling into the waterfall mentality of "build it and they will come" is hard and requires that the build process is in constant revision against user and organisational feedback. To this end we follow agile processes focused on delivering relevant services within the budgetary constraints, which aim to meet the defined value proposition in delivering impact.


Where do we go from here?

Systems need to evolve and mature, it is unlikely that a service will be everything which is needed from launch. It will need ongoing updates, revisions, maintenance to attain a level of sustainability and eventually shutdown or replacement. All this requires a holistic approach to the ongoing development, be it internal to an organisation or through a community approach, of the service as it looks to scale and increase impact for the users and stakeholders. We work to setup these processes and provide key analytic feedback from the inception of the service.

Project Work


Over the last eight years Tumika has been involved in developing and supporting numerous projects  predominantly focused on mobile for development, working on systems design and development, research, policy, grant and funding proposals, in the following areas;

  • Disaster response and preparedness
  • Crowd sourcing for development support
  • Mobile Health services
  • Open platforms and scaling in ICT4D and M4D
  • Mobile Agricultural services
  • Mobile Money for Unbanked
  • Mobile entrepreneurship in East Africa
  • Building resilience into mobile networks
  • Design for gender adoption in M4D
  • Mobile and digital identity
  • M4D Utilities
  • M4D Digital Inclusion


Martin Harris, founder and principal consultant of Tumika Ltd. For details please see LinkedIn Profile.

Martin Harris, founder and principal consultant of Tumika Ltd. For details please see LinkedIn Profile.